
Build2015 Day3 Session 視聴メモ

Build2015 Day 3...はまだ動画が上がって無いので見たいもののタイトルだけ

2-730 Camera: Developing Powerful Camera Apps
2-736 Acquiring Users and Monetizing Your Apps
3-733 API Contracts (or How I Learned to Stop Checking OS Versions and Love Feature Detection)
3-737 Use New Motion and Effects Features to Captivate Users and Truly Bring Your App to Life
2-748 Vision APIs: Understanding Images in Your App
3-741 Moving to the Universal Windows Platform: Porting an App from Windows 8.1 XAML or Windows Phone Silverlight to Windows 10
3-779 Navigation and Windowing in Universal Windows Apps
2-697 New XAML Tools in Visual Studio 2015
2-762 Tiles, Notifications, and Action Center
2-768 Designing and Developing the Ultimate Windows App Experience
2-776 XAML Case Study: Putting it All Together, Office and XAML
3-767 Building Universal Windows Apps with Office 365 APIs

2-730 Camera: Developing Powerful Camera Apps

Sandeep Kanumuri, Mike Morante

(スライドだけパラ見すると、PC/電話共通のUWPとして書き直されたカメラアプリの紹介 また、前のSessionで出ていたnew feature 'SoftwareBitmap' はNokia Imaging SDKがルーツみたい カメラは旧Nokia組担当なのかもしれない)

2-736 Acquiring Users and Monetizing Your Apps

Inigo Lopez, James Oleinik

( アフィリエイトプログラム以外は特に新しい話は無さそう)

3-733 API Contracts (or How I Learned to Stop Checking OS Versions and Love Feature Detection)

Brent rector

「API協力者 または私は如何にして基本ソフト種別を心配するのを止めて機能に基づいた検知を愛するようになったか」:) 動きます、総統!

大変大事なSession 大体はUAPお勉強メモで学習済みではあるけども

3-737 Use New Motion and Effects Features to Captivate Users and Truly Bring Your App to Life

Jeff Staff, Nick Waggoner

(二日目のVisual Layer 話の続き 個人的にはXAMLで間に合ってるけども、それ以上のかっちょいいUI を作りたい場合はこのあたり弄ると面白いものが出来ると思う)

2-748 Vision APIs: Understanding Images in Your App

Meenaz Merchant

(AzureBaseの画像処理 今流行ってる何歳か当てる奴がこれ)

3-741 Moving to the Universal Windows Platform: Porting an App from Windows 8.1 XAML or Windows Phone Silverlight to Windows 10

Sam Jarawan


3-779 Navigation and Windowing in Universal Windows Apps

Andrew Bares, Roberth Karman

2-697 New XAML Tools in Visual Studio 2015

Unni Ravindranathan

(彼には二日目で騙されたからなー 英語聞き取りやすいのはいいんだけど)

2-762 Tiles, Notifications, and Action Center

Thomas Fennel, Lei Xu

2-768 Designing and Developing the Ultimate Windows App Experience

Rob Cameron, Lynnette Reed

2-776 XAML Case Study: Putting it All Together, Office and XAML

Andrew Coates, Jason Morse

(UWP Office をC++/CX - XAMLで作ったCaseStudy 面白そう)

3-767 Building Universal Windows Apps with Office 365 APIs

Chakkaradeep Chandran

(OfficeのREST APIを使おう話 飛ばしてもいいかも)

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